Natural Fall Fragrances vs Synthetics: A Guide to Holistic Aromatics

Natural Fall Fragrances vs Synthetics: A Guide to Holistic Aromatics

We have at least 5, likely six or more, senses that keep us safe, and help us learn while we navigate our environment. Our olfactory system is in charge of our sense of smell. Our sense of smell is tied to our safety and lets us know if there is a fire or if food is unsafe. It is also strongly tied to our memory and emotional well being. A smell that we don’t like can send us reeling while a happy and comforting smell can bring us great joy. 

Because smells are so important, we have created synthetic smells to trigger our emotions like apple pie candles and sweet pea body sprays. But, there is a problem with all of these synthetics. These aromatics may create joy with all the fun smells but they can be harmful to our health. Most synthetic fragrances contain phthalates, a hormone disruptor that affects our endocrine system. This can be risky because our endocrine glands are in control of our natural hormones that control our growth, fertility, mood and metabolism. The endocrine system is vital for homeostasis. 


Don’t fret if this has you bummed out. If you’re looking for fall fragrances to keep you warm and healthy, consider essential oils instead!



Essential oils have been used for over 2000 years. They can provide therapeutic properties that are able to kill certain germs on contact. They can also stimulate the mind, your immune system and provide emotional support by grounding and soothing you. 

If you’re not sure what oils to use, I have an essential oil blend in mind that is perfect for your fall and winter medicine cabinet! This combination of oils is known to  kill many strains of both viruses and bacterias, while helping you feel warm, comforted and grounded. 

You have likely heard of the term Five Thieves Blend, which a large company has trademarked the name as a popular product. It is true that this recipe of essential oils and sometimes herbs, originated as folk medicine in the 15th century, during the plague. Thieves would use a combination of oils like clove, cinnamon, rosemary, eucalyptus and lemon and they would apply it before robbing people to keep themselves safe from the disease.

Rest assured that anyone can make this blend, or something similar with essential oils in your cabinet. My personal recipe for a diffuser is 5 drops of clove, 3 drops of lemon, 3 drops of eucalyptus, 3 drops of rosemary and 2 drops of cinnamon. I like to lead with clove because it is a strong antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic essential oil. It also stimulates the mind while helping you feel warm and grounded. 

You can also apply this recipe topically if you dilute it 10 10% essential oils and 90% carrier oils, like fractionated coconut oil. Fractionated coconut oil can easily be found these days at your local grocery store in the cooking aisle.

If you’re not into making your own blend, I do carry an essential oil blend called Herbal Guardian that contains all of these oils. You can put it in a diffuser or carry a roll on bottle.  As a caregiver and aromatherapist, quality is very important to me. I’d like to share that if you’re picking up oils at the grocery or buying them online from Amazon, you could be getting low quality or altered oils. Finding a trusted source can be a large part of your holistic wellness journey. 

Herbal tip- You can also create a blend of simmering herbs, like orange peels, cinnamon sticks, cloves and  ginger and simmer them on the stove to bring moisture into the air and make your home smell amazing! 

I hope this helps you when choosing a natural fall scent. Smell is so important to our emotional wellbeing and our health! Luckily, we can create amazing smells and encourage wellness in our home with these simple tools and recipes. 

In joy and gratitude, 

Michele Finn

CBD & Cannabis educator 

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